Your questions answered...

Most popular questions

How do I receive my products after purchase?

After purchase you will be able to instantly download the product after checking out. You will be able to download a zipped folder containing all the information you need to start using the product. A follow up email with product links will be sent in case you face challenges in downloading from the online store.

How do I use my product after purchase?
  • Proceed to checkout and finalize payments
  • After finalizing payment, click the download button (the download button displays after payment is complete.)
  • Your file will be downloaded as a zip file.Extract on computer and you can start editing or use as you wish.
  • Alternatively you can access your email and download your file from there.
  • If you are having trouble extracting your files, follow product videos and learn how to extract.
  • If you continue to have any kind of problems on downloading and extracting the files, contact our support team and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Can I download my products after purchase?

Yes.After purchase you will be able to instantly download the product after checking out. A follow up email with product links will be sent in case you face challenges in downloading from the online store.

How do I find file formats for each product?
  • Product files exist in different file formats. To view your product format. SELECT your product > SCROLL down to the DESCRIPTION AND FEATURES section > SELECT the features and benefits tab > SCROLL DOWN and you will see your product file format. Contact support for any questions and inquiries.
Can I make alternative payment plans?

YES: If you cannot find your preferred payment option on our checkout pages, contact support to assist in available payment options from your region. To make a payment option request:

  • Select the items you wish to purchase and proceed to the checkout page.
  • Choose the "Make Alternative Payment Plan" option as your payment method.
  • Complete the necessary information and provide any required documentation.
  • Our support team will contact you promptly to finalize all the details of your preferred payment option .
How do I contact customer support?
  • Email support at
  • Phone support at +267 73839116
  • Send us a message on Facebook, YouTube or WhatsApp.
  • Use the contact form in the contact us page.
  • Use community forums and engage with other community members.
  • Check the FAQ section for details on how to contact support


What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit and Debit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express.

If your preferred payment method is not visible, reach out to support to see if alternative payment option is available.

Is it safe to enter my payment information on your website?

Absolutely. We take security seriously. All transactions are encrypted using SSL technology, and we do not store any payment information on our servers. Additionally, our payment gateway complies with industry standards for security.

At the moment, we can only process one payment method per order. If you have specific requirements, please contact our support team for assistance.

I received an error while processing my payment. What should I do?

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please double-check that all entered information is correct, including card details or payment account credentials. If the issue persists, contact our support team for further assistance.

I received a notification about a failed payment. What should I do next?

If you received a notification about a failed payment, please check your payment information and try again. If the issue persists, contact our support team for further assistance.

Do you store my payment information for future purchases?

For your security, we do not store payment information. Each transaction requires fresh input of payment details.

Are there any additional fees for using a specific payment method?

We do not charge any additional fees based on the payment method you choose. However, please be aware that your bank or payment provider may have their own policies regarding transaction fees.


How do you ensure the security of my personal information on your website?

We take the security of your personal information very seriously. Our website employs industry-standard encryption protocols to safeguard all data transmissions. Additionally, we regularly update and monitor our security measures to protect against potential threats.

How are my payment details protected during transactions?

We utilize a secure payment gateway that encrypts your payment information to ensure it remains confidential. This means your credit card details and other sensitive information are never stored on our servers.

How do you handle password management and storage?

Passwords are securely hashed using industry-standard encryption algorithms. This means that even we do not have access to your actual password. We also recommend using strong, unique passwords and updating them regularly.

Is my personal information stored indefinitely on your servers?

No, we only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. Once that period is over, your data is securely deleted in accordance with our data retention policies.

What steps do you take to monitor and prevent fraudulent activity on your platform?

Our dedicated security team employs advanced monitoring tools to detect and prevent any suspicious or fraudulent activities. This includes real-time analysis of transactions and the implementation of fraud prevention algorithms.

Can I trust that my personal information won't be shared with third parties?

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We do not share, sell, or disclose your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

What should I do if I suspect any unauthorized activity on my account?

If you suspect any unauthorized activity on your account, please contact our support team immediately. They will assist you in securing your account and investigating the issue.

Promotions & discounts

How can I redeem a promo code on your website?

To redeem a promo code, simply proceed to the checkout page. There you'll find a field labeled "Promo Code" or "Discount Code." Enter your code and click "Apply." The discount will be reflected in your order total.

Can I use multiple promo codes on a single order?

Typically, our system allows one promo code per order. However, keep an eye out for special promotions where multiple codes may be applicable. Terms and conditions will be specified in the promotion details.

What should I do if my promo code isn't working?

If your promo code isn't working, please ensure you've entered it correctly without any spaces or typos. Also, make sure the code is still valid and hasn't expired. If the issue persists, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.

How can I stay updated on your latest promotions and discounts?

Stay in the loop by subscribing to our newsletter. You'll receive regular updates on exclusive discounts, seasonal sales, and special offers. Additionally, follow us on social media for real-time updates on promotions.

Can I use a discount code after I've already placed an order?

Unfortunately, once an order is placed, we're unable to apply any additional discounts or promo codes retroactively. Be sure to enter your code before finalizing your purchase.

Remember, if you have any further questions or need assistance, our customer support team is always here to help!

What types of promotions and discounts do you offer?

We offer a variety of promotions and discounts to make your shopping experience even more delightful. These include seasonal sales, flash deals, bundle offers, loyalty rewards, and exclusive discounts for our newsletter subscribers.

Are there any restrictions on using promotions and discounts?

Some promotions and discounts may have specific terms and conditions, such as minimum purchase requirements or expiration dates. Be sure to review the details provided with each promotion to understand any applicable restrictions.

Can I share my promotion or discount code with others?

Promotion and discount codes are typically intended for individual use and may not be shared or transferred. Doing so may result in the code being deactivated. If you'd like to share a discount with a friend, encourage them to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to receive their own exclusive offers.

My Account

How do I create an account on your website?

To create an account, click on the "Sign Up" button located at the top right corner of the page. Fill in the required details such as your name, email address, and a secure password. Once completed, click "Submit" to successfully create your account.

I forgot my password. How can I reset it?

No worries! Click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. Enter your registered email address, and we'll send you a link to reset your password.

How can I update my personal information?

Log in to your account and go to the "My Profile" section. Here, you can edit your name, shipping address, contact number, and other personal details. Remember to save the changes once you're done.

How can I view my order history?

Go to the "Order History" tab in your account dashboard. Here, you'll find a detailed list of all your past orders, including order date, status, and tracking information if available.

Can I delete my account if I no longer wish to use it?

Of course. If you wish to delete your account, please contact our customer support team. Keep in mind that this action is irreversible and will result in the permanent loss of your order history and saved information.

I'm experiencing technical difficulties with my account. What should I do?

We're here to help! Please reach out to our customer support team through the "Contact Us" page or email us at Describe the issue you're facing, and we'll assist you promptly.

Remember, if you have any other questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch with our friendly customer support team. Happy shopping!

Tax & legal

Do I need to pay taxes on my online purchases?

Yes, taxes may apply to your online purchases depending on your location and the seller's nexus. It's important to familiarize yourself with your local tax regulations or consult a tax professional for specific advice.

Digital goods are downloadable files or some other kind of electronically supplied product. Consumers living in the European Union (EU) must pay a value added tax (VAT) on digital goods at the rate that applies in their own country, regardless where the seller is located.

How can I obtain a copy of my order's invoice for tax purposes?

You can access and download your order invoices from your account settings. These invoices will include all relevant information needed for tax reporting.

Can you provide tax advice or legal assistance for my specific situation?

We are not qualified to offer personalized tax or legal advice. We recommend seeking guidance from a certified tax professional or legal advisor who can provide advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

Remember, while we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, tax and legal regulations can change. Always consult with a qualified professional for the most current and relevant advice.

Brand details

What sets your brand apart from others in the market?

Our brand is committed to delivering top-quality products with a focus on sustainability, innovation, and style. We take pride in our meticulous craftsmanship, ensuring that every item meets the highest standards of excellence.

How often do you release new collections or products?

We're dedicated to keeping our offerings fresh and exciting. We are always releasing new products and collections regularly. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on our social pages to get insights on new products.

What is your approach to customer satisfaction and support?

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We have a dedicated support team ready to assist you with any questions or concerns. Our goal is to provide a seamless shopping experience, from browsing to checkout and beyond.

Where can I learn more about your brand's story and values?

You can read about our brand's journey, mission, and values on the About Us page. It provides an in-depth look into the heart and soul of our brand.

How can I stay updated on your latest releases and promotions?

To stay in the loop, we recommend subscribing to our newsletter. You'll be the first to know about new arrivals, exclusive offers, and exciting updates. You can sign up on our homepage.

Account creation / closing

How do I create an account on your website?

Creating an account is easy! Simply click on the "Sign Up" button located at the top right corner of the page. Fill in the required information, including your name, email address, and a secure password. Once done, click "Create Account" and you're all set!

How can I close my account?

We're sorry to see you go! To close your account, please log in and navigate to the account settings. There, you'll find an option to deactivate or close your account. Keep in mind that this action is irreversible and will permanently delete all your account data.

Can I reactivate a closed account?

Unfortunately, once an account is closed, it cannot be reactivated. You will need to create a new account if you wish to use our services again.

Can I have multiple accounts using the same email address?

Each email address can only be associated with one account on our platform. If you'd like to create multiple accounts, you'll need a unique email address for each.

Is my account information safe and secure?

Absolutely. We employ robust security measures to safeguard your account information. This includes encryption, secure protocols, and regular security audits to ensure the highest level of protection.

I have a question that's not answered here. How can I get in touch?

Feel free to reach out to our support team through the contact form on our website or by emailing We'll be happy to assist you with any further queries!

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